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One of the most important phases of the sales service, is the communication that provides the packagings with the power to transfer the positive inputs of the brand.

No només es importat the physical form of l’embalatge, but the implementation of colors, composition of elements graphics on the packaging and the missatge that s’aconsegueix through the disseny publicitari.

The implementation of tècniques marketinianes a nostres produccions provide a high value tant comunicatiu com com, ja that s’adapten to tots els fenòmens that affect the procés of banda d’un producte, facilitant the seva election.

This complementació in els nostres packagings sees càrrec de l’agència de branding Neorg, with more than 10 years experience in the communication sector, which endorse the professionalitat and the results of the nostre projecte.


Designs Mockups Legislative Adaptations Proofreading Branding

VIES layouts&mockups, S.C.P.
Massens, 62, baixos 08024 Barcelona

T: +34 693 72 15 70

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